Monday, September 27

Change;The more I know,The more I see,The more I understand how much you mean to me

Wednesday, September 22

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So much destruction
So much confusion
People living in constant illusion
So much war
So much hate
Betrayed hearts in needed alleviate
Come together in heart and mind
Let the good flow of energies go through
Give way to a better day with smiles all day
Live free under a tree;under its stems of certainty.

with peace n love<3Liz

Sunday, September 5

Our Own Universe

Sometimes I feel like I float away like if this reality is not real,like what I knew is no more,floating in space decisions uncertain.We live in a universe that is created by our own mind by our own consciousness,by universe i mean the course that our lifes take and our own personal surroundings, which gives us different perspectives of our own life.Its our own universe that falls into position like a very unique puzzle that makes up our world as we know it,which i think puts an order in the world.We really don't know when it will happen or how but its for certain that things happen for reasons unexplained,until we actually get to that destination that we were meant to reach,that we will understand why things happened the way they did.
with peace n love liz

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Wednesday, September 1

Do you ever feel like life gives you signs that fortell the future,but you just have to catch them.For they are secret windows of our subconscious.Look around and tell me what you see?What a mystery, I ask.Is there anybody out there who can here me? ...There's so much mystery;untouched hearts in this wonderous symphony,the sweatest melody is the one we havent heard comes from the nation of lovers with words untold.- with peace n<3 liz