Tuesday, March 22

The woods are lovely, dark and deep just might sleep here tonight,at dawn watch the sunset rise with the sounds of birds chirping waking me to another day,I hope you can stay and rest with me..

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Future Cities.Perhaps

Jacque Fresco is the co-founder of a project that he believes will improve society by moving towards a global sustainable social design.The Venus Project is an organization that promotes Jacques Fresco's ideas and design that will bring healthy living in a future where anything is possible and imagination can create anything!

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Here are some of his designs

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How do you envision the future??

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Dedicated to Marijuana best known as 'mary jane'

Cause it brightens any day and brings smiles your way

It saves lives and cures the wounded:)

Smoke and toke yippie yo

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Monday, March 21

Live the moment take a chance in every second that you dance
Let your heart beat entwine with your mind
Every cell,let it breathe
let your body speak to the rhythm of the beat
Let your senses take a trip to another dimension another creation
where time is erased and there's no place you'll rather taste
than the there and the now.

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Wednesday, March 16

Follow your bliss but never forget your truth..

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Ignorance Is bliss..only when we don't want to look at the true reality that is or one has,rather than accepting it we go in this wonderland where everything is floating on air,it almost feels unreal.Ignoring that reality therefore brings bliss to our flesh and mind which feels great!but its only but a fantasy..I feel that solitude gives supreme bliss,then' will you find that the only person that can give you true bliss is your self,and not another.

But.I cant deny that once you find those true blissful feelings be shared with a beloved becomes a blissful entwine that brings happy feelings and smiles:)


Saturday, March 12

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Treasure your loved ones as much as possible!Pour your heart out and let it melt on them.Show them how much you really appreciate them because you might not have another day to tell them this,tell them how much you love them and give them a hug with all your might,without love nothing would matter, nothing would exist only a soulless nation without a sense of unity.Each and one of us has a heart that beats and pumps with every constant breathe, with every dream, with every nightmare, and it never stops.Life is precious and beautiful!It gives us great experiences that make us see things in a new light when we're in the dark, and that gives us faith in hope and hope in faith that in the end everything will be alright.


Wednesday, March 9



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Monday, March 7


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Keep telling your Story!
You must be Heard!
Every Idea
Every Opinion
Every Art Form
And Thought
Is a Revolution of Creation
Defend your Freedom of Who you Are
Of Personal Expression of the Human mind
because You are One of a Kind
A Radical Positive Change
Mind,Body and Spirit in a Journey
To Experience
To Breathe
To Learn
To Laugh
To Live
And Grow.
Keep telling your Story!
You must be Heard!


Thursday, March 3


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Saturday, March 19, 2011, the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, will be an international day of action against the war machine.

Protest and resistance actions will take place in cities and towns across the United States. Scores of organizations are coming together. Demonstrations are scheduled for San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and more.

The United States government believes that by militarizing a country there will be an agreed peace or some kind of regulation when in actually they are invading,destroying their land and homes,and killing innocent people.The United States is spending trillions of money on war,making new weapons,and for occupation.When thousands of people in the United States are still unemployed,with cuts on education,housing,and health care.The government really doesn't care about its people.Plain and simple.

We are living in a country where racism seems to have reduced but in reality it is only being covered by a veil that blinds many people.It is time for people to stand up for equal rights,peace,love,respect,freedom,for what is right!For human rights!Something that little by little the government is taking away,they are doing it very slightly that one does not realize what is actually happening behind the blinding light that they constantly put on our eyes.Now more than ever we must unite as a human race and resist the machine.

Wednesday, March 2

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Like Jim Morrison would say..

"Love cannot save you from your own fate."