Monday, July 12

Can we possibly be psychic?

Unexplained phenomena always seems to be stuff of great fantasies and films.But the supernatural seems to be something that people talk about everyday.It has happened to everyone at least once in their lifetime.For example when we feel stared at from behind and we come to find out that in fact someone was staring at us, or when we think about someone just before they call us or text us.What about when we feel dejavu:a feeling like you been there done that kinda thing.This comes down to our mind our subconscious.Our mind is capable of doing many unexplained things that scientists,brain surgeons,or even our own mind cannot explain at this moment.It is beyond our imagination and,well..beyond our you believe in psychic abilities?what about life after death?
Meet Dr.Rupert Sheldrake
he gets down and dirty lol
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Na but for reals though he is a scientist that began researching into parapsychology(is a discipline that seeks to investigate the existence and causes of psychic abilities and life after death using the scientific method).He has written books that include: A New Science of Life (1981), Seven Experiments That Could Change the World (1995), Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home (1999), and The Sense of Being Stared At (2003).

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Back to what I was saying.He has been ridiculed by many scientists that believe that what he studies is nonsense.But he stands tall for what he believes in and that my friend is very admiring:)even when nobody believes him he will keep researching and investigating until he gets that formula for the unexplained..

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