Saturday, August 14


The simple times

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when we would eagerly wait for the ice cream truck

just to eat these lol

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Moments in Time

You know those moments where you just never wanna forget,those moments where unity is all that matters alongside with the beautiful sounds of music.When everyone is just enjoying the moment just like you and there's no where else you would wanna be but in that moment with all the love that fills the spaces between us.Had the most awesomeness night last night haha hanging out with the rebels of all rebels from Compton Teenage wasteland!:D

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Wednesday, August 11

Lets Ride

Enjoy the ride that we go through in this constant time,in this constant world.Even if it feels like a roller coaster of never ending ups and downs.Even if it feels bumpy and uncontrollably scary sometimes.Just hold on sit back and watch the beautiful skies.Never feel alone for we are all in the same roller coaster,in the same car,in this endless adventure.Lift your head up higher than the skylines and breath in and breath out with your face in the air feeling the cool winds caress.Let your arms go and laugh uncontrollably out of your mind,for happiness is at your fingertips, and nobody can stop it!and nobody can stop it!

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with peace'n'love liz

Crop Circles


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Enter The Void

It is the view from the otherworldly that makes this a thrilling story. From their childhood to recent events, this film builds with the significant facts. Within the tenets of a foreshadowed guide to the experiences after death.It mixes up jarringly beautiful images, disorienting techno, trippy eye candy and a mysterious and melancholy promise between a brother and sister to "never leave each other."

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can't waitXD

Monday, August 9

Late Night Thoughts

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As I was laying in bed with my eyes closed,the bed of rest and late night thoughts.I was pondering about life,humanity,myself,my story.I began to feel like if life is a book of strange beautiful bewildered stories.A book of wonders and magic.My life is a book,a never ending book.A book that is being created by, me.Each page is being written into chapters, as the days grow into nights and the sun light shines once again to meet the moonlight.In this book of mine there is no such thing as an eraser,for it is being written in stone therefore cannot be removed from memory or existence.I want to enjoy this page at this moment,the next page I am not sure of yet.But I know its gonna be another chapter to remember to be kept in the secret shelf of my subconscious never to be forgotten:)

with peace'n'love liz

Sunday, August 8


Reincarnation is believed to occur when the soul or spirit, after the death of the body, comes back to Earth in a newborn body. This phenomenon is also known as transmigration of the soul.Reincarnation comes from the latin literally meaning,"entering the flesh again".Pythagoras the greek philosopher believed
that the soul was immortal and merely resides in the body; therefore, it survived bodily death. He also believed that the soul goes through series of rebirths.Between death and rebirth the soul rests and is purified in the Underworld. After the soul has completed this series of rebirths it becomes so purified that it can leave the transmigration or reincarnation cycle.

Plato,also a greek philosopher has similar believes however there was a difference.Plato believed that the soul was eternal,that it would transmigrate from body to body and would keep a minimal former life knowledge.He also believed that the soul becomes impure during these bodily in habitations but as the soul continues doing good it eliminates the bodily impurities thereafter it will eventually return to its pre-existence state.They say that this is where Karma comes from,our past lifes.

So lets start making good karma.

This is believed to be the process of reincarnation

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If only we could remember that part,wouldn't that be something.

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Find out what you'll be in your next life!

check out this link:)

Saturday, August 7


I like this song:)

Dejé mi corazón cogiendo polvo y telarañas,
cada mañana se despega menos de las sabanas.
Amaba más en épocas lejanas,
dije: nunca jamás pienso volver, debí decir: hasta mañana
Y ¿mi alma? a punto de saltar por la ventana,
por la que antes se colaban hadas hasta que puse persiana.
Nada, en este mar de lágrimas saladas
no hay lugar para los dulces besos que me trae la fama.
Anda. si cada vez que mientes palma un hada,
vaya da cuatro palmadas alas 12 campanadas hasta el alba...
Mejor no salgas descalza
si perdiste tu zapato por perseguir la esperanza
Danza al son de los tambores de mi corazón,
latidos que se escapan de este cuerpo de hojalata.
Baila... el valls de las miradas
que se hablan entre ellas cuando no quedan palabras.

Friday, August 6

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Have you ever felt like all you wanted to do is watch movies right next to your beloved all day and night,saying fuck the world!..just feeling his or her heart beat right next to yours,listening to each others breathing harmoniously entwine with both breathe and soul.Like if in that moment you become one and not two,like if in that precise moment you are so in tuned with one another that nothing else matters but looking into each others eyes feeling that familiar comforting warm understanding that everything's gonna be alright.

with peace'n'love liz

Wednesday, August 4

Tuesday, August 3

We Stand Alone

Stand before the gates and watch metropolis
Empires come and go we live forever
And eternity is in your hidden eyes
Take my broken wings teach me to fly again

I stand alone
We stand alone
I stand alone
We stand alone

Down the empty streets head for the seven hills
Vestal virgins dance we steal the fire
Battered columns stand as silent monuments
Deep inside their dreams I see your memories

I stand alone
We stand alone
I stand alone
We stand alone
I stand alone
We stand alone

We share the last champagne and watch necropolis
Still and so let's leave her to her silent walks
The sun of Rome is set and our day is gone
A kiss a taste of red from your open lips

I stand alone
We stand alone
I stand alone
We stand alone
I stand alone
We stand alone
I stand alone
We stand alone

Michael Parkes

So I discovered this artist, Michael Parkes an American artist living in Spain.He creates beautiful paintings, stone lithography and sculptures.It is mainly fantasy art and magic realism.Strange beasts encounter mysterious winged women, good and evil fight out their eternal conflict.

Here is some of his art work:)

Angel Interrupted

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Almost Fallen Angels

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Angel Affair

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A Word from Michael Parkes: Venus is the Roman name for the Greek goddess, Aphrodite. Generally, Venus is the goddess of love and sensuality. Venus represents the descent of divine feminine energy into the physical world. The waters of the sea can be seen as the tumultuous emotional body of humanity. She is the balance for the present distortion of aggression on earth. Her presence is of calm, knowing, patience, and love. Her tools are not the swords of the battle field but of beauty and harmony. I have used the flying figure before in my paintings. He represents the announcement of a major cosmic event. Here he is announcing a divine being, or consciousness, descending into a physical form to help the earth. The mask that Venus is holding is the mask of sorrow, confusion, and misery. Behind the mask, there is the promise of what this feminine energy brings. Take the symbolism for what it is. It is not important to understand or even agree with the symbols I use. What I do want is to offer my art to people to enjoy and enhance their lives with the beauty of color and light.

Monday, August 2


Bruce Lee was known as a martial artist with his woooooo and his woooaaaas that came immediately with fast pace kicks that could kill a man,but nobody really knew the deep inside.Bruce Lee also studied drama and philosophy which made him a philosopher of his own life.He linked martial arts with philosophy,he claimed that his martial arts were solely a metaphor for such teachings.He believed that martial arts was his way of self expression,it was his chosen method.He was very frank about his believes,and god or religious affiliations was not one of them.He was very much influenced by these teachings Taoism, Jiddu Krishnamurti and Buddhism,which gave him a different perspective of life.

You go Bruce Lee!

plus he was a hottie;)

“Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.”-Bruce Lee

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"I always learn something, and that is: to always be yourself. And to express yourself, to have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate him."-Bruce Lee - Bruce Lee Your Life As Water Video

"All types of knowledge, ultimately leads to self knowledge"-Bruce Lee

Scream your heart out!!!!!!!

Scream for joy
Scream for fun
Scream for sorrow
Scream for pain
Scream for ice cream
but scream your heart out!!!!!
Imagine you're in an open forest
Let the vibrations echo
until they return back to you
and listen to what they tell you

Lets learn from this guy

Steven Tylor from Aerosmith:O

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Wow this guy can scream!