Wednesday, October 27

If you were put in a pitch black room with no recognition of how you got there or what's in front of you,would you be afraid to take a step forward?

Thursday, October 21

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I'm wide awake in a dream
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"We're all standing on the edge of a cliff, all the time, every day, a cliff we're all going over. Our choice isn't about that. Our choice is about whether we want to go kicking and screaming or whether we might want to open our eyes and our hearts to what happens once we start to fall."-AK


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Tuesday, October 19


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It is all too easy to relax into our socialization without caring or understanding their origins or perpetuate lies by not questioning them.because there are some things we feel we cannot deal with.some of the trials in our lives.some of the deeply ingrained beliefs we logically know not to believe.some of the burden others have thrust on us and we have thrust on is hard to find our own ways when their ways have been laid out.the illusions of truth maintained through shear numbers.tried and true.but really only tried and tried again.until it becomes the way.but there are an infinite number of ways to think and to act.and that is what this is about.thought and action.breaking through all the conventions and customs,right or wrong.and finding what really is.what really matters.what we can really start to believe.and how best to think and act for ourselves.without the weight of society's expectations on our backs.

every prejudicial tendency our parents have not overcome.we must overcome instead.every lie they believe is every lie their parents gave them and every lie we must not accept.we must try to overcome the world and what its given us.we must face our fears.when we deal with others we are confronting all those things about themselves(and their parents,and countless generations before them)they have chosen not to confront and thinking people.must try to ease the burden on those who must deal with us.for our own sake.for the sake of those around us and for the sake of future generations.we cannot relax.we must recognize that everything is the result of a system.nothing is free of social-political meaning.what we think of all comes from somewhere and if we do not know where.we cannot trust what we think.

We must communicate our frustrations,our experiences our conclusions,our hopes,our fantasies,our it through images,languages,motions,sound etc.this is how we will all learn where our thoughts and actions originate.why we are us and how to overcome these things we know we should.nothing is insignificant if it is real to one can understand unless we communicate.this is our contribution to this the need for understanding.not only for us to be understood.but for everyone to understand each other.-NP

Sunday, October 17

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She's afraid she wont find someone like him

She wont find someone like him

She will find someone better.

Thursday, October 14

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We are huge consumers of this materialistic world.We consume and throw away and consume and throw away and its a never ending cycle.In these times people are shopping like no other and the depression rates have become higher.Consuming is a hobbie or a distraction for many people out there,who in actuality are running away from their problems and their true reality.We are becoming consuming machines,and in my opinion I believe that it is changing our lifestyles and humanity in general.If we don't stop we are pretty soon gonna live on top of our throne, like kings and queens but not quite as clean.We will destroy our planet and fill it with our trash that is left behind by all the consumption we make.We should recycle as much as we can with anything we can,live more simple,enjoy what we have and not worry about getting the latest brand name or the newest cell phone.If we have clothing that we don't want anymore,why not donate it to someone in need for clothing.If we have food that we know will just stay to rot why not give it to a neighbor in need or a person in more need in the streets.Remember we only have this world and we stand alone as humanity to take care of one another.

"We are one consciousness living breathing in one universe that connects us all infinitely."

Remember the simple times
..from the buttom of my heart<3 liz

Sunday, October 10

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Haven't really wrote much recently,haven't really had the chance without internets at my house.I will update as much as I can when I get the chance to:)
hopefully by next week I will have internet up and running.yes!

Friday, October 1


I recently saw this documentary, 'The Secret',it is very eye opening. Will open the doors of your mind,just might answer some of your questions,and maybe change the quality of your life.
I would like to share it with you:)
here are the first twenty minutes!