Thursday, October 14

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We are huge consumers of this materialistic world.We consume and throw away and consume and throw away and its a never ending cycle.In these times people are shopping like no other and the depression rates have become higher.Consuming is a hobbie or a distraction for many people out there,who in actuality are running away from their problems and their true reality.We are becoming consuming machines,and in my opinion I believe that it is changing our lifestyles and humanity in general.If we don't stop we are pretty soon gonna live on top of our throne, like kings and queens but not quite as clean.We will destroy our planet and fill it with our trash that is left behind by all the consumption we make.We should recycle as much as we can with anything we can,live more simple,enjoy what we have and not worry about getting the latest brand name or the newest cell phone.If we have clothing that we don't want anymore,why not donate it to someone in need for clothing.If we have food that we know will just stay to rot why not give it to a neighbor in need or a person in more need in the streets.Remember we only have this world and we stand alone as humanity to take care of one another.

"We are one consciousness living breathing in one universe that connects us all infinitely."

Remember the simple times
..from the buttom of my heart<3 liz

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