Sunday, February 27

Tonight I Dance

There's nights like these when I feel like life is a trip whether I wanna take it or not its taking me and all I can do is go with the flow,feeling so much energy running through my veins, that just wont let me sleep.. its almost like a revelation, to myself that I have no control over..nite light

Monday, February 21

The thing about fairy tales is that,there's always some truth to them..

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Friday, February 18

Floading Away...

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Cultivation of the imagination manifest new creations

Tuesday, February 15

We'll be kinky, We'll be strange

Things were disappearing
In my neighborhood
Once again somebody
Was up to no good
I saw that you were wanted
But not like I wanted you
And that's when I knew I had to be with you
And that's when I knew if i didn't i'd be through
To end my grief i'd have to catch a thief
Your love was my relief my love is your release

Come into my window
It's open every night
That's where i'll be waiting
I'll keep off all the lights
I'm lying on my bed
Crown jewels on my head

I'd never give you up
So come in from the cold let your hair down
I'd hide you from the cops
Don't be frightened now my love
I'll take the life of crime
All to make you mine

Come in off that roof top
You're so handsome dressed in black
See you in the shadows
I'd like to see you on your back
Take this precious treasure
And i will treasure you

We'll run away my dear
Some place special have no fear
We'll even change our names
We'll be kinky, we'll be strange
I'll take the life of crime
All to make you mine
All to catch a thief
Your love was my relief my love is your release
Your love was my relief my love is your release
All to catch a thief

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Monday, February 14


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Coming from the streets of poverty

singing through my vision in irony

One day I woke up to another land

Where all my dreams were meant to take a stand

and my hands were nervously shaken

but I knew I had to leave everything behind

and start a new life in these streets of mine

Would wake up to the sound of my moms voice

feeling like there was nothing out there that hurts

feeling a comfort that only a mother can give,

smelling her scent was my relief..

That was then,this is now

reality struck at 6 o' clock

Time to wake up

with my eyes wide open

still a little shookin from last night

Three sheets to the wind(tipsy,wasted,hammered)

There I am getting up to the sun

another day and let me just say

I want to go back to sleep

but there's no time to snooze or you'll lose!haha

I drift into my mind pondering,while walking

why this world is the way it is and..

why that man is wearing a rain coat on a sunny day

and how there's famine in the world

while in America people throw away everyday

and people worried about the latest fad

and spend and spend with no generosity

but I'm no one to judge

because I am here and there

nice people out there

with insecurities just like me,

with a heart that pumps blood and oxygen just like me,

that are scared just like me,

that deep down they really care that the world is unfair,

just like me.

But there's something that sparks hope,

to believe that there is more

that one day,maybe just one day we will all be free

and live without any poverty and the sun will shine on everybody..

Are we not all the same under the skin?

With much love liz

Monday, February 7