Monday, November 26

Chumash People

Rock carving speaks of a legend that Chumash Indian people believed,they were some of the first people to inhabit North America. Located in the city of Lynwood on the platform of long beach metro rail station.
This is what it says:
Suerte Celestial
Segun la leyenda chumash, el coyote del cielo, tambien conocido como la estrella del norte, se jugaba el destino de la gente contra el sol todas las noches. La luna llevaba la cuenta y anunciaba al ganador durante el solsticio de invierno. Si ganaba el sol, la gente sufriria. Pero si ganaba el coyote del cielo, este llenaba una canasta con bendiciones para el año nuevo, y las derramaba sobre la gente a traves de un agujero en el cielo situado sobre el polo norte.
English translation:
According to the legend chumash, the coyote of the sky, also known as the star of the north, was playing the destination of the people against the sun every night. The moon was taking the account and was announcing the winner during the winter solstice. If it was gaining the sun, the people would suffer. But if the coyote of the sky was winning, this one was filling a basket with blessings for the new year, and would spill them on the people across a hole in the sky placed on the North Pole.
The Chumash were physically and spiritually united with nature, and did not waste any part of any animal they killed, or any plant they pulled from the earth. They lived according to "nature's time", and believed that man's greed and desire for supremacy could eventually lead to his downfall.
Look to find,the truth is hidden between the lines.
With much love Liz

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