Monday, November 26

Skid Row

On Friday November 23rd 2012, went to skid row with a couple of friends to feed the homeless.Thanks to my friend Angel for making this happen.He is a great individual with a big great heart.
For those of you who don't know what is skid row or where it is: Skid Row, known as Central City East, is an area of Downtown Los Angeles. The area contains one of the largest stable populations of homeless persons in the United States.People passing through this area see cardboard boxes and camping tents lining the sidewalks.Woman and men of all colors live homeless in this area of Los Angeles with very small possibility of having a meal everyday.
We went on a mission to feed as much people in skid row as we could. This is our story.
Woke up on Friday morning feeling in great spirits knowing that we were going to do a great deed. The sun was shining, no sign of a bad day anywhere. Went to the closest market and bought cases of bottled water and aluminum foil for the delicious burritos that they had made at my friend Angels house with the cooperation of many wonderful people giving their two lending hands. My friend Chelly, a great friend of mine picked me up from home and we were on our way to my friends house to help them with the food that was going to be distributed to everyone at skid row. When we arrive to my friends house I was happy to see all these awesome people that I met for the first time there.We had a system going to prepare the burritos haha it was great.In no time we finished preparing and wrapping every single burrito with great vibes going all around the kitchen table. I felt a great positive vibration!It was wonderful! As the conversations kept going and smiles were shared we were ready to head out to skid row to spread our love to our fellow humans. We gathered all things in three different cars and we were on our way.
As we started approaching skid row we see a homeless man laying on the side of a manufacturing factory. I approach him and give him a burrito and a bottled water, he kindly says thank you. We start going deeper into skid row, I can see all these souls sitting in tents,cardboard boxes, anything they can call home. At this point my friend Chelly starts getting nostalgic as well as I. We start passing out bottled water and burritos to every single person we find. As we're driving around passing them out, I could see a glow in their eyes knowing that someone out there thought about them, and that they were going to have something to eat at least for that day. It brought a smile to our face and great joy knowing that we helped the less fortunate in this life of many places, of many spaces, and many faces forgotten.
Thank you,
yours truly Liz

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