Monday, June 28


Remember we all live together in this constant world we call home
Lets work together to keep our home clean.

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different faces in different places.different places in different spaces.

Today while walking back from my lunch brake I met this young guy he looked about 18 years old.He came up to me and said that he was a song composer,musician,and singer that wants to put his name out there to the world,and dreams that one day he can change the world with his music.He said he has been walking around all through LA searching for people who will give him a chance to here his stuff.He showed me a lil taste of a song which he said he composed that sounded amazing:DHe wanted to get as much emails as he could to send out his music for people to here out there!To me that's determination,dedication,ambition, and lots of guts this young fella has.

For that I say good luck to you man
Dream BIG Keep your dreams alive
Become your dream for we dream to make them come true

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“Dreams are like the paints of a great artist. Your dreams are your paints, the world is your canvas. Believing, is the brush that converts your dreams into a masterpiece of reality.
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Freedom is a state of mind

Monday, June 7

A wise woman

Today I was at work when I started talking to this woman who looked like she was in her 40's and she said she was 84 maaan she did not appear her age at all!I asked her what was her secret and she replied I quote,"never stop breathing and moving your body for the mind and soul will be happy in constant motion".She also said that we have to keep our soul young but the mind wise,exercise as much as we can,live in peace,and love our family for that's all we have when everything goes down.When she said that I felt chills going down my spine like if it became a realization to my life.Never has someone told me that and I was blown away.

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Sunday, June 6

Precious illusions

She met a stranger by the shore never thinking anymore
Spend the day and the night under the sun and the moonlight
Shared thoughts,life experiences,heartbreaks,and happy takes
Drank tequila to forget those beating heart aches
Reminisce of the times they were young
When their curfew was at 10 in the night
and the clock would tick tok everyday what a sight
then the time came when they said their goodbyes
"Nice to meet you".."you were lovely".
then in in a gaze of wonder she said "its time to
part from this precious illusion that was a moment that
will be left in hushed memories
because illuminating love falls from the skies
to water the illusions in our eyes
we feel endlessly beyond gravity
but we have to remember how to fall down gracefully"...

ps.just a lil short story I felt like writing after listening to a song.

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Who said that love doesn't last forever

Today I was coming out of work when I look to my left and I saw the most beautiful scene,like almost out of a movie.An old couple that looked like they were in their seventies walked right by me holding hands and smiling like they were two young souls in love for the first time.I asked them how long have they've been married for and they said for almost 50 years.My jaw fell as I started getting this warm feeling of innocence from the spoken wisdom and mutual Love those two had:)

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Tuesday, June 1

Requiem for a dream

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I love movies that are not afraid to offend reactions
and that can stir some emotions
joy, sorrow, love,hate,reverence,excitement,passion
and this movie does it for me it has such a raw power to the story
its one of the greatest movies I have come across

this is the link to the trailer:)

.. this is just the link to a scene I personally love<3

Its funny how much our sub conscious is more in tuned with reality than reality itself

I love this movie it has so much meaning to it.
How love can be a bitter sweet symphony
Even when you love that person,sometimes its just better to leave each other alone
But to forget a beloved is very strangely complicated..
wouldn't it be awesome to have our minds erased from all heartaches.. but the heart wouldn't, maybe the memories would but the heart has a mind of its own that cannot be restored:(

Planet Terror Cherry bust' machine gun for a leg

Wish I had one of those for every dickhead guy out there!Bang bang lol
no offense to the good guys;)

En el mundo habrá un lugar para cada despertar un jardín..

En el mundo habrá un lugar
para cada despertar
un jardín de pan y de poesía

Porque puestos a soñar
fácil es imaginar
esta humanidad en harmonía

Vibra mi mente al pensar
en la posibilidad
de encontrar un rumbo diferente

Para abrir de par en par
los cuadernos del amor
del gauchaje y de toda la gente

Qué bueno che , qué lindo es
reírnos como hermanos
Porqué esperar para cambiar
de murga y de compás.

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Our souls

Reach out for your soul, don't let it get lost in absolute oblivion.

RFID chip implanted into man gets computer virus!!!!

This is insane!!!!
As we look into the future..wait what!
We are becoming robots!!!watch this!!
**If you don't know what an RFID CHIP IMPLANT is,it is:
A human microchip implant integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted into a human's body. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information.
How beautiful it would be to pass through this road of uncanny wonders of delight<3333
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Bat your eyes girl, be otherworldly.
Count your blessings. Seduce a stranger.
What's so wrong with being happy?
Kudos to those who see through sickness. (yeah)
Over and over and over and over and ooh...

She woke in the morning.
She knew that her life had passed her by
And she called out a warning:
"Don't ever let life pass you by!"

I suggest we learn to love
ourselves before it's made illegal.
When will we learn? (When will we learn?)
When will we change? (When will we change?)
Just in time to see it all come down.
Those left standing will make millions
writing books on the way it should have been.

When she woke in the morning,
she knew that her life had passed her by
And she called out a warning (warning):
"Don't ever let life pass you by!"

Floating in this cosmic jacuzzi,
we are like frogs oblivious
to the water starting to boil.
No one flinches. We all float face down.

She woke in the morning.
She knew that her life had passed her by
And she called out a warning,
"Don't ever let life pass you by...