Saturday, July 31

"As we grow older together, things may change but one thing that will never change is love,love is unseen but felt in the heart."

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Thursday, July 29

LOVE IS MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. You and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."

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Wednesday, July 28


If you like distorted noises with a little touch of psychedelic trans dance beats with some hypnotizing dark wave indie sounds nevertheless other chill songs also,than your gonna love this band:D

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Here is one of their more chill songs
where you can sit back relax and smoke a doobie:)

Live In Your Own Paradise

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"It is your mind that creates the world."

Monday, July 26

Sometimes you brake me.Sometimes I brake you

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Twisted dreams;rekindled nights
constant,vivid sights
Crystal tears furiously glimmer
Incandescent words unspoken;to be broken
minimized in laughter of the edge of this dream
Shivering lips covered in haze
eyes disguised the maze in grace
Battered hearts beating bright
portrayed moments unnoticed

with peace'n'love Liz

Sunday, July 25


Orgasms or sexual climax is something that everyone has experienced at least once in their life time.From their lover or by themselves hehe but one thing for sure is that it is the most intense sexual feeling of all feelings.It is such a deep profound roller coaster ride that by the end of its peak it is an explosion of tensions.Which comes with the pleasure of relaxation that often puts you in another state of mind.Like a friend once said;

"Live in the orgasmic world!"


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For a better explanation look down here:)

The Truth about Orgasms
Via: Online Schools

Friday, July 23


By next week on friday we should be moving to our new place.I started thinking about all the great moments and of course the bad ones I've had in this house of mine that I adore so much<3It is always hard to let go of something that has been our home for so long.To move, I always see it as a new beginning,a beginning of a new life created.We have been going to go paint the house lately and let me tell you it has been coming out great!Just painted the kitchen yesterday haha this was the first time for me.At first I didn't know what to do but than I got the hang of it after we covered everything with newspaper and tape haha it was a battlefield of paint.I'm gonna miss this house but a new place means a fresh new start that hopefully will be a great beginning as well as a great end:)

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Tuesday, July 20


Coming to theaters Sep 3 2010

From the guy who brought you Sin City,Grindhouse and Planet terror.Robert Rodriguez busted out with yet another one of his crazy bizarre movies!

They just fucked with the wrong Mexican!

lmao can't wait for this movie to come out
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I think lol

Monday, July 19

Inception..are we just living in a dream?

Recently went to go see it.And let me tell you it is one of the most interesting movies I've seen in a while.It was very eye opening and revealing to the senses.A mix of Avatar with a lil spice of the matrix.

"Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange."

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Inception brought up these questions in my mind...
what are dreams?who or what creates them?and why?

For thousands of years, people have believed that dreams were created by supernatural beings and could be used to foretell the future.The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans thought that dreams were divinely inspired.

The earliest known dream dictionary was produced by the Egyptians,which is known as the Chester Beatty Papyrus. It was written over 4,000 years ago,and is held by the British Museum. The interpretations in the Chester Betty Papyrus were based on the idea that dreams predict the future. The Egyptians had a system of contrary dream interpretation: If you dreamed about something good happening, it meant something bad would happen to you in waking life. Having a nightmare was therefore a sign of good luck.

Ancient Greeks were the first ones to believe the idea that dreams were created by the dreamer,and not by supernatural beings or gods.Some believe that dreams are metaphorical and that we would have to understand the meaning of the symbols in our dreams to decipher the meaning of it.Others believe that dreams express secret desires.But at thee end no one really knows whats behind the secret of the mystery of dreams.

I believe that dreams are another realm of realities in other dimensions which gives us a portal to other worlds of sensations, desires, feelings, self discoveries.

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Are we just living in a dream?

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Sunday, July 18

Lets Rage! with Rage Against the machine!

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These guys can Rock out full force with nothing to stop the electric sensation vibrating all through your body and the raw power that they transcend to the audience is amazing!

The band's line-up comprises vocalist Zack de la Rocha, guitarist Tom Morello, bassist Tim Commerford and drummer Brad Wilk.Rage Against the Machine are known for its "fiercely polemical music, which brewed sloganeering leftist rants against corporate America, cultural imperialism, and government oppression into a Molotov cocktail of punk, hip-hop, and thrash."They had broken up in 2000 but made one last album,a cover album titled 'Renegades',then started performing once again in 2007 but we have not heard from them here in Los Angeles till now!!:D

They are gonna be playing at the Hollywood Palladium July 23rd 2010 at 6:30pm to raise funds for a number of immigrant-activist organizations, including the
community organizing group Puente,
Arizona and the Florence Project,
which provides legal counsel and social services to immigrant
communities. The show will be Rage's first in Los Angeles in 10

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Oh fuck yeah!!!

tickets go on sale this upcoming Monday which is 7/19 at 10:00am

whose down??

Saturday, July 17

Inside joke lmao

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The B52's - Rock Lobster

Try watching this when your out of it!lol

Even if your not, it is pretty bizarre:D

Thursday, July 15

Survival Of the fittest??

This is a perfect allegory for the dangers people undertake blindly through life sometimes.And its all for the money.Money for good?Money for evil?

ps.And If,in that dangerous race you don't succeed,well least you had a good workout.

Oh!..and the Prodigy is definitely a band to check out if you like electronic hardcore techno with a little twist of synthpunk and breakbeats:)

Wednesday, July 14


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Thats why I say;
Stop running
Breath In
Breath Out
Just Feel
Make Love

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With that special someone of course<3

Melancholy Hill

look closely at the video at 2:12 mins
see snoop dog?that guy is everywhere!

Up on Melancholy Hill,
There's a plastic tree.
Are you here with me?
Just looking out on the day
Of another dream,

Where you can't get what you want,
But you can get me.

So let's set out to sea,
'Cause you are my medicine
When you're close to me.
When you're close to me.

So calling all submarines,
'Round the world we'll go.
Does anybody know, love,
If we're looking out on the day
Of another dream?

If you can't get what you want,
Then come with me.

Up on Melancholy Hill
Sits a manatee,
Just looking out on the day,
When you're close to me.
When you're close to me.

When you're close to me

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wont you come with me;}

Monday, July 12

Can we possibly be psychic?

Unexplained phenomena always seems to be stuff of great fantasies and films.But the supernatural seems to be something that people talk about everyday.It has happened to everyone at least once in their lifetime.For example when we feel stared at from behind and we come to find out that in fact someone was staring at us, or when we think about someone just before they call us or text us.What about when we feel dejavu:a feeling like you been there done that kinda thing.This comes down to our mind our subconscious.Our mind is capable of doing many unexplained things that scientists,brain surgeons,or even our own mind cannot explain at this moment.It is beyond our imagination and,well..beyond our you believe in psychic abilities?what about life after death?
Meet Dr.Rupert Sheldrake
he gets down and dirty lol
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Na but for reals though he is a scientist that began researching into parapsychology(is a discipline that seeks to investigate the existence and causes of psychic abilities and life after death using the scientific method).He has written books that include: A New Science of Life (1981), Seven Experiments That Could Change the World (1995), Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home (1999), and The Sense of Being Stared At (2003).

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Back to what I was saying.He has been ridiculed by many scientists that believe that what he studies is nonsense.But he stands tall for what he believes in and that my friend is very admiring:)even when nobody believes him he will keep researching and investigating until he gets that formula for the unexplained..



Saturday, July 10

This is Juanlicious..Mi Numba..Juancho..Juanito
he has so many nicknames lol but he will always be the one and only
I love this guy with all my heart<3 he has been a great friend and always stays true.
He is one beautiful soul that I am happy I found.He will take a sad song flip it around and make it better lol thanks Juancho for being ma friend:)

And he is one sexy bitch!Grrrrrr lol
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Nicoletta Ceccoli

Nicoletta Ceccoli is an Italian artist who creates dreamy and melancholic paintings.Also well known as an award winning children’s book illustrator.She has her own unique style of surrealism with doll-like characters and other strange creatures that are darkly whimsical.

This is one of my favorites:)

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For more of her art work visit her website

Thursday, July 1 - Truely amazing,artists and they are deaf Video

These performing artists are completely deaf
Comes to show that talent comes within

They must have real good concentration:)